Online Therapy is convenient and effective

We offer warm, personal, engaging, professional and heart-felt online counselling that is accessible from the comfort of your own home and space.

Online therapy makes counselling accessible when meeting in person is not feasible. Our experience has been that the online experience is consistent with the effectiveness of counselling services received in person.

Online counselling will be conducted through, an encrypted and secure video platform. After your initial appointment is scheduled, you will receive a link to complete your intake forms and a link for your sessions. The same link will be used for all future sessions.

Benefits of Online Therapy

  • Increased accessibility if you live in a rural or remote area where relevant services are not as available.

  • Saves time by eliminating commute time; if you are grieving, it minimizes the additional stress of commuting.

  • Increased accessibility if you experience barriers to mobility/transportation including for health reasons.

  • Eliminates barriers if you have circumstances that make it a challenge to leave your home - for instance, social anxiety or difficulty arranging childcare.

Tips for Preparing for Online Therapy


Set up a comfortable and soothing space

We invite you to be as creative and personal in how you want to set up a comfortable and soothing space for your session. Here are some ideas to consider: Set up an essential oil diffuser or light a candle; keep a squishy, stress ball, pillow and/or blanket close by. Have tissues within reach, a glass of water, and any notes and/or homework you prepared for your session.

Choose a private and quiet space

Choose a space where you can have as much quiet, confidentiality and privacy as possible. It is best to use earphones to maintain optimal privacy. If necessary, download a white noise app on your phone or use a fan and position it near the door where you plan to have your session.

Setting up the technology

Log in 10 minutes early to give yourself time in case you run into technical difficulties. Close apps, programs and other tabs in your internet browser to avoid distractions. If possible, use a laptop rather than your phone. If you are using a phone, use a phone stand and a stable surface. Ensure that you have secure Internet connection. If we have any trouble establishing a stable connection, we will re-enter the platform and if this still does not work, we will continue over the phone.

Plan a transitional activity

Therapy can sometimes bring up intense emotions. Although your therapist will do their best to ensure that you do not leave the session feeling overwhelmed, it is common to need time to ease back into your day. As such, it is recommended that you plan a brief activity after your session as a transition from the therapeutic space back into your own space. This could look like going for a walk, listening to calming music or any activity that helps ground you. This transitional activity is an important step as it helps to ease you back into your day in a purposeful way.